Privacy Policy

On The Water Privacy Policy: We have created this e-mail privacy policy to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy and the protection of your information.

On The Water Privacy Policy:

We have created this e-mail privacy policy to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy and the protection of your information.

Why did you receive an e-mail from us?
If you received a mailing from us, either (a) you are listed with us as someone who has expressly shared your e-mail address for the purpose of receiving information in the future (opt-in), or (b) you have purchased from us or otherwise have an existing relationship with us. We respect your time by limiting the frequency of our mailings.

Sharing and Usage
We will never share, sell or rent your personal information without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you e-mails based on your request for information and to contracted service providers for purposes of providing services related to our communications with you.

We don’t know why you would, but if you want to stop receiving e-mail from us:
Each e-mail sent contains an easy, automated way for you to let us know you no longer want e-mail from us, or to change your expressed interests. If you wish to do this, simply follow the instructions at the end of any e-mail.

If you have received e-mail that claims to be sent from us and was not please forward a copy of that e-mail with your comments to:

On The Water Return Policy:

In order for your item to be considered for replacement, it must have been purchased within 30 days and must meet one of the following criteria:
• We sent you the wrong product.
• The product you received is defective.
Should you feel you meet the criteria to make an exchange, please contact our customer service department at 800-614-3000. We want shopping with On The Water to be a pleasant experience, which is why replacements are made on a case by case basis. We will replace your item once we have received the return.